Thursday, May 24, 2007

About A Girl

Ok time for a real post.. let me tell you something about myself. I’m a Bong Brahmin 19-year-old duly petted and sheltered for 18 years and exposed to the Big Bad World in the form of college a year back, which again was allowed because it happens to be one of the best technical schools in the country and dad couldn’t relocate there. Now if you look at that introductory sentence again you might realize that every word is loaded. Keywords – Bong Brahmin. Do you know what that means? to find out visit my good friend Saurya Chakraborty’s blog In case you’re too lazy let me tell you what is expected of an average Bong Brahmin girl – two oily plaits, sickening sweetness in voice and tone, intimate knowledge of Rabindra sangeet (or Robindro shongeet, to put it properly), inability to cross streets without holding daddy’s hand, inability to do anything useful under the sun except of course studies and oh did I mention, complete and absolute innocence. No staying out, no partying with friends, no giggling, no flirting (she’s not supposed to even know the meaning of that – and even if she does it’s probably for SAT preps). Your friends are rated in order of academic excellence and any underperforming individual should promptly be chucked out of your group for fear of polluting you with his or her “disability” (oh yeah they’re contagious). And God help you if you’re going out with someone – even if he’s a desirable Bong Brahmin “bhalo chheley”. And if he happens to be anything else ....then, well, even God can’t!

Bah I’ve had enough cribbing about Bong Brahmin upbringing with Saurya and Odie.. I better move on to something more interesting.

Next keyword – 19 year-old-girl. key phrase actually. That, I’ve discovered, is an extremely interesting and useful thing to be.When you enter a campus with youth, Bong eyes and a rather well-appreciated smile... the world’s suddenly your oyster. interesting. very. Dude, the smile takes the place of every other functioning limb, for the sheer bulk of work it gets done! Need help with timetable – smile please! Need free food/ treats – smile please! Need a lift on someone’s bicycle – smile please! that goes on to need to cheat in tuts, need lecture notes, need front-row seats in the audi, need to get someone to do your workshop job, need anything your average Indian guy is capable of delivering – you know what to flash (and no, you pervert, not that, although who am I to challenge the effectiveness of that alternative). Ah the bliss of being on the right side of the 9:1 population ratio!

I think I’ll elaborate on that in my next post. For want of anything better to do or write. Blah. Whatever.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Temporal anomaly...ohh good lord!!...might as well have named it the mary jane chronicles....lovely, we ought to a write book...I like the vividness in your style....its like I can hear you telling me everything you write(or maybe cuz we've said these things to each other a hundred thousand times)...keep's to more time warps(wink!)
p.s. add me to your blogroll

Rishabh Kaul said...

while u r at it, do add the fair one as well.

Animesh Prasad said...

impressing you physics teacher: smile... oddly doesnt work !

Nilanjana said...

don't I know that :P

Rachit Chandra said...


Couldn't resist the urge to tell you that probably you just met the wrong set of guys. Not every one is an average Indian guy @ one of the best technical schools in the country.

And yeah,even I can relate to the description of the Bong girl. Not sure if the Brahm tag was called for.

Vivek Krishnan said...

rachit: fag
saurya: fag

i appreciate the fact that bongs are coming out of the closet with their bongness... and abt them being sweet and innocent... shearr!!!

Nilanjana said...

well, Rachit, for the sake of guys, I hope so myself! :) oh the bong brahmin thing is a standing joke among us... don't worry, i for one don't exactly wake up thanking the powers above for my exalted caste whereby entry into heaven is just about guaranteed and printed into my passport! :P

Rachit Chandra said...

not the right place to start this, but

@ krishnan: couldn't expect anything else from you.

Nilanjana said...

bah! leave bobek alone!!! he's entitled to his opinions! :)

Sap said...

aha! nice to see more bored entities foraying into blogdom!

check out mine

btw, like your frankness. maybe thats what being "sheltered" does to your sensibilities.

Nilanjana said...

thanks sap! being sheltered is like being a pressurized can of aerated drinks - we all know what happens when you open it!

Shwetank said...

hey great goin! i like ur frankness!!!

Anurag said...

bongness rules!! go to hell rachit!! am bringing this fight to you next semester man.
@krishnan: how come mr michellin is missing this time

Nilanjana said...

thanks anurag! perhaps cribbing about being Bong, rocks more than Bongness itself