Friday, June 22, 2007

Look At Me

Bloggitis has hit BITS. All of us for whom blogdom was hitherto foreign ground, have taken to it like fish to water, and with astonishing rapidity. Those that were initiated into its folds before the rest of us lesser mortals have added to their cv by creating two, and for the ones with two to their credit already, one can only extrapolate. Most of us are at a loss for something better to do, which is apparent from our posts (dude, writing about how one spends a lazy summer afternoon by doing nothing? seriously, what was I thinking?) but if you’re thinking of using us to define the new standard of joblessness, you can think again. For, some self-appointed content-police of blogdom start new blogs to comment on other people’s blogs! It surprises me, the amount of effort a certain blogger took to not only read apparently unreadable trash, but to actually pick and choose posts to comment on, and then to actually comment on the comments! dude!! The world of freethinking and freer publishing makes for a highly interesting commentary on human nature!

For instance, why do we blog? Is it the desire to merely shout, or desire to be heard? Is it about writing what we feel like, or about writing what we want others to appreciate? I don’t know about you, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s more to do with letting people know that I can think and I can write (whatever others’ opinions might be on that :P) and hence, gain a little more attention. And yes, the comments. I’m sorry to expose such a shallow nature, but it’s the kick I get from seeing 11 comments, that keeps me typing assiduously. That, and an assured audience, of course. Blogdom social circles are as amusing and fraught with as many social niceties as any Country club clique. I add you to my blogroll means you do the same to me. I’m your wingie in personal life, therefore to avoid cold war and/or occasional bouts of violence, I post comments, whether I’ve read your blog or not (I mean, seriously, how many words do you have to go through to post a “hey nice going”?) I’ve manifested my general benevolence and interest in you by stopping by your blog, now you go and check out mine! But this Orkut-testimonial-psychology is one of the primary attraction of blogging, at least to rookies like me. I mean which of us doesn’t want to feel taken notice of. I like it, I like it the way it is. I like reading the blogs of my friends (for quite a few of them write pretty darn well), I like seeing and posting comments even more, and I like the discussions that that sparks off occasionally even more. It’s that feeling of being connected – whether to friends who anyway are bound by duty, or to complete strangers who for whatever reason happen to tell you your blog made for a nice read- that I like, pretty unashamedly as you can see. For me, it’s not so much about letting out my feelings, as it is to see if those feelings find an echo in anyone. Sorry, I’m not really on a mission to revolutionize web journalism, and I don’t think I’ve been divinely ordained to write a thesis on Third World poverty.

I don’t care if what I write about has no real significance or whether people think I’m wasting precious e-space by divulging details about my life that no one could possibly be better off knowing. If I can make for a nice afternoon read, I ask no more of life, at least for the present. Of course, the moment people start telling me they’re getting bored (c’mon, don’t be shy!), I shall mend my ways with lightning speed. So do not fail to comment!

P.S: let not those who know me best misconstrue my comments – what I have hitherto said on your posts has never been tempered by any social obligations, and whether I have liked or disliked your posts, I have made clear.

disclaimer: ok people, I didn't mean this post to sound like a whining child's lament, who can't take a joke. I meant it all in good sport. I'm really sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. Please don't read this in a serious vein!


siddharth b said...

brilliant work, loving it. as u said, " it’s more to do with letting people know that I can think and I can write (whatever others’ opinions might be on that :P) " Sometimes ppl hv slightly negative opinions bout a post, but dat shldnt hinder u, in fact it shld instigate u to go on, it shld let u explore possibilities dat u arent d perfect writer, and u hv flaws. Iv got pathetic reviews bout "with or without you", but i dont cry out and say, "hu r u to tel me wat to write", i dont use words like content-police, or assume dat dey called my blog unreadable trash. i just take it and work on it. der hv bn times wen iv had ppl come to me, put their hands on their heads and go, "bzzz bzzz strike me with lightning" or "dude dont u kno wat vowels r? try using them wen u write". im pretty sure u kno dat dos incidents hv happened. but i believe dat they think im a good writer, maybe not as good as u, and dats all dat matters. sometimes ppl just like to c d lighter side of things, and even if it dos come at d expense of my writing style, i take it into my stride and laugh wit dem. i don go making a big hue and cry about it, and tel d world, "aah dey think dey r d self appointed content police. wat do dey kno, my writing is perfect, dey hv no right to say such things". im pretty sure in ur case no1 has ever said such farfetched things, so if i can handle d shit iv taken witout crying, im pretty sure u can too. :D

Nilanjana said...

@sid: oye, I didn't mean content-police seriously - dude I was just having a bit of fun, with the prospect of a little fun verbal war ;) bah, as if I write even nearly as good as you! I din't mean to sound like a whining kid, and I'm sorry if that's what came across. I value all opinions - if people think it's trash, that's important too coz as I said, it's about others reading it, not me. I apologise once again for unintended malice, if that's what it sounded like. sorry!

Sap said...

:D :D the times of blogdom!

btw, who is the guy who writes on what others have written? i need a critique for my blog as well! :P

Anonymous said...

agreed. blogging's always been my outlet in this mad demeaning world(oh the sorrow....). but thanks to totttal inactivity of late i have been reduced to blogging album reviews.